Willmore City 

This ramble through the origins of Long Beach showcases the historic structures of Wilmore City and the vibrant Drake Park.  Witness the rich culture of today superimposed over the city’s built heritage. 

Distance: 2.6 Miles  |  Difficulty:  ●●

Starting north along Magnolia Avenue, the gold domes of the ❶ ST. GERMAIN READING ROOM are certain to draw anyone’s attention.  Head over a block west onto Wilmore City’s historic commercial center to view the HOME MARKET BUILDING, one of the first artist lofts conversions in Long Beach.  Note the modern addition along the roof.  Going west, Tenth Street turns into Park Circle that bisects the ever vibrant ❷ DRAKE PARK, and provides frontage for the historic FLOSSIE LEWIS HOUSE and BEMBRIDGE HOUSE.  Traverse Drake Park and walk south on Maine Avenue until reaching Seventh Street where hooking a right will reveal the ❸ WILLMORE HERITAGE GARDEN, a noteworthy DIY (Do-It-Yourself) urban park in Long Beach. Turning back north along Daisy Avenue, witness a picturesque neighborhood scene along LOMA VISTA DRIVE, the parallel street to Park Circle, where there are many historic homes of varied architectural styles.  The path goes by Drake Park once more and eventually reaches the northern tip of the future ❹ DRAKE PARK GREENBELT. Head east along Loma Vista & Twelfth Street, past another neighborhood plaza until reaching the edge of historic Wilmore City.  Walk south six blocks along CEDAR AVENUE to witness several great examples of early Twentieth-Century Craftsman bungalows, Spanish Revival courtyards and Queen Anne architecture.  Upon reaching Sixth Street, the scale of the intersection is dominated by ❺ SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTITST, currently home to the Second Samoan Church.  Go northwest back to Magnolia Ave to complete the stroll through early
Long Beach history.

Download Willmore City Card Here.