Houghton Park
This tour of the Top of Town will go through and around the institutional, recreational and cultural heart of the North Long Beach community.
Distance: 2.71 Miles | Difficulty: ●○○○○
Head north along Atlantic Avenue from Aloha Drive to travel past ❶ JORDAN HIGH SCHOOL. The 27 acre campus that serves the general student body of North Long Beach as well as hosts the ACE [Architecture, Construction and Engineering] magnet program. Just North of Jordan is ❷ ART:AT, the sprawling lot at the northeast corner of Atlantic and Artesia Boulevard that hosts many community events including arts festivals and the GREENER GOOD FARMS MARKET every Friday. Head east on Artesia until ducking into the neighborhood on Coolidge Street, then southeast on Myrtle Avenue and 65th Street. Walk south on CALIFORNIA AVENUE to experience one of the best tree-lined streets in North Long Beach. Turn left onto 64th Street and walk east until reaching Orange Avenue and ❸ ULYSSES GRANT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Just across 64th Street is COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, one of the largest church campuses in North Long Beach. Further south on Orange Avenue on the west side of the street is ❹ GETHSEMANE BAPTIST CHURCH & SCHOOL. The school has provided both elementary and secondary education since 1980. Go west on 61st Street until reaching Myrtle again, turning back north until Harding Street. Jog east a block back onto California Avenue before going west into ❺ HOUGHTON PARK. Traverse the park going southwest into the middle of the park past the community center and around the baseball diamond. Loop around the always active skate-park and the helicopter of the VIETNAM WAR MEMORIAL back into the park. Follow the arc north back through the middle of the park to the starting point on Atlantic Avenue at Aloha.
Download Houghton Park Card Here.